Green Heron A juvenile standing on the edge of a retaining pond studying the murky water for fish. |
Green Heron A movement causes it to cock its head a bit. |
Green Heron And a big dive, wings flared out, head submerged. |
Green Heron And back up in a swirl of neck and wings. No catch on that try. |
Green Heron A bit crankier, it stalks off slowly for what it hopes is a better location. |
Green Heron Part of its shape-shifter technique, it rises to full length for the long view of the still water. |
Green Heron Moving through the tangled grass, it flaps its wings for balance and a bit of propulsion. |
Green Heron Then settles into a slow walk once back in the open. |
Green Heron Walking while keeping an eye on the water that is mostly disturbed only by surface insects. |
Green Heron More entanglements and wing flapping before giving up on one side and moving to the other. |
Green Heron A new station on the opposite side, not casting a tell-tale shadow on the water. |
Green Heron The long view again. |
Green Heron Intense eyes with a few little feather tufts left over from juvenile transition. |
Green Heron The view from behind. |
© Michael Bailey All Rights Reserved; Not for reproduction.
No photograph from this blog may be reproduced or used
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