
Lincoln's Sparrow

Lincoln's Sparrow
Though it stayed well-hidden in the brush, it briefly
appeared in a little window for a clear view.
At Governor Nelson State Park.

Lincoln's Sparrow
It didn't stay on the perch long at all, but
very quickly flitted across the trail and away.

Chipping Sparrow
Hidden in plain sight on the gravel path at Stricker's Pond,
among a noisy horde of English House Sparrows.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
With the adult males long gone, migrated, far south, only the
juveniles from this year remain behind as they fatten up.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
A blink of the eye punctuated by an
equally quick flick of the very long tongue.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Though the bird itself is tiny, imagine how
absolutely tiny the feet are gripping the plant stem.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
A hanging dead branch with a stub
made for a good perch to pause on.

Palm Warbler
Out in the open in the scrubby trees at the
edge of Tiedeman's Pond in Middleton.

Nashville Warbler
Behaving normally for a warbler, this Nashville Warbler
flits in and out of the leaves on its non-stop bug hunt.

Great Blue Heron
A juvenile standing in a retaining pond
at Owen Park, Madison, hoping for a fish.

Great Blue Heron
Pumping low over Stricker's Pond, Middleton,
on the way to a better and higher roost.

Northern Flicker
Yellow-shafted tail showing brightly as it
perches along with three others, maybe a family.

Northern Flicker
At Governor Nelson State Park, a Flicker briefly
clings to a dead bush before flying off.

Turkey Vulture
Slowly circling with very little flapping, expert on
up-drafts, suddenly a mile away with no apparent effort.

American Redstart
Adept at maneuvering through tiny branches,
often flaring its tail for emphasis.

American Redstart
A quick peek at observers of
its industrious insect hunting.
Northern Parula
Round-looking as it swivels about, breast
colors bright from brownish to yellow to white.

Northern Parula
And an olive-gray cap with white
wing bar for emphasis.

Black-throated Green Warbler
In true warbler style, doing a tree-top
peek-a-boo while hunting for insects.

Black-throated Green Warbler
And a quick flip to check for any insects
that might have been behind it.

Red-bellied Woodpecker
Tongue just visible as it probes
beneath the bark on a dead branch.

Red-winged Blackbird
At Stricker's Pond, not too long away from
migration, perched on the rim of a Lotus plant head.

Red-winged Blackbird
A closer look at the brown edging of feathers and the
very long and sharp talons good for plant perching.

Wood Duck
Brilliant in color, the male Wood Duck paddles
the pond with several companions. Shy as ever.

Monarch Butterfly
A rare sight these days as it floats from
flower to flower, tanking up for migration.

© Michael Bailey All Rights Reserved; Not for reproduction.
No photographfrom this blog may be reproduced or used
in any form or by any means whatsover.