
American Redstart

American Redstart
Just passing through, very flitty as usual.
Fall migration underway.

American Redstart
Looking at the feeders, but nothing
there of interest.

Great Blue Heron
A Wood Duck house makes an excellent
perch when not actively on the hunt.

Great Blue Heron
However, off to another perch closer to
the hunting zone.

Green Heron
Easily spooked, the Green Heron changed
a good spot for another across the pond.

Cedar Waxwing
Neatly arranged on a curving treetop
against the crisp, blue sky.

Red-bellied Woodpecker
An immature Red-bellied Woodpecker
perched entirely fluffed up.

Red-bellied Woodpecker
Some of its fine, downy feathers are
shedding like an early molt.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Always very quick and very active, pausing
only for a micro-second while bug hunting.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Next bug coming up. Ready to launch.

Olive-sided Flycatcher
A good size comparison to the smaller
Eastern Wood Pewee perched nearby.

Whitetail Fawn
One of two fawns of a family at Owen Park, the mother
nearby. This fawn has found many stickers.

Cedar Waxwing
With bugs swarming at a tree top, a flock
zooms up and down to capture what they can.

Cedar Waxwing
The swarm is so thick that each
quick flight through is a meal.

Downy Woodpecker
Sometimes the Downy goes entirely
upside down.

Eastern Wood Pewee
Looking regal, and briefly quiet.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
A male turned just so for its throat to
glow with reflected sunlight.

A frequent visitor at Stricker's and Tiedeman's
Ponds for abundant small golden carp or goldfish.

It usually takes umbrage at any interruption.

© Michael Bailey All Rights Reserved; Not for reproduction.
No photograph from this blog may be reproduced or used
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