
Great Blue Heron

Tufted Titmouse
Eating a peanut from a feeder while
always on the alert for danger.

Gray Catbird
High and out in the open for a change to
survey for both intruders and dangers.

Eastern Phoebe
Though full-grown, sitting and waiting
for a parent to come and feed it.

Great Blue Heron
From the force of a just-completed wing downbeat a
spreading circle around it's shadow on the pond surface.

Great Blue Heron
Wings straight out as it continues across the pond
to find a perch in the trees at the edge of the water.

Great Blue Heron
The scenic view at Stricker's Pond

Wood Duck
Late season three young Wood Ducks clustered
with their mother, always cautious of every intruder.

Yellow Warbler
A beautiful yellow warbler bright against
the shadowy willow leaves.

Downy Woodpecker
A female searching a skinny branch,
with a companion inches away.

Downy Woodpecker
The companion. A male, also
tap-tap searching for insects.

Eastern Bluebird
Worm ready and only a short hop below
to feed youngsters waiting in the birdhouse.

House Wren
Curious, talkative, and a bit aggressive,
quiet for a split second or two.

Cedar Waxwing
Striking with colors and crest, particularly
the red tips on the ends of the wings

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
A female hovering to feed on sugar water.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
A more relaxed sit and drink technique, but
only for a few seconds, aeons in hummingbird time.

White-tailed Deer
Down in the pond to munch on water lilies.

Indigo Bunting
A brilliant slash of color against
the dew-covered grass.

Indigo Bunting
And equally brilliant against the
forest canopy and sky.

Purple Coneflower
Dizzying in detail and a bit
overwhelming in color.

House Wren
Perched quietly while partly hidden
in the twigs and grass.

Eastern Kingbird
As high as possible to scan the prairie,
ready to chase off any interloper.

© Michael Bailey All Rights Reserved; Not for reproduction.
No photograph from this blog may be reproduced or used
in any form or by any means whatsover.

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